About Dianna
I shoot everyday. I love it.
I’ve always been drawn to portraiture. The beautifully crafted black and white Golden Age of Hollywood studio portraits (see George Hurrell), with all that glamour and beauty and high contrast, sparked my fascination. For years, I dreamed of being a professional photographer, but never had patience for my film camera. Enter: digital photography. A whole world opened. I could shoot and practice and mess up and try again. And when I couldn’t figure something out on my own (remember way way back before you could find whatever you needed on the internet), I went to The School of Visual Arts to sort it out.
Now, well … I can talk about Headshots, and light, and composition, and craft, and expression, and what works and doesn’t, ad nauseam. Not kidding. It’s my favorite subject.
I love capturing not just a face, or an expression, but a moment. That’s the magic.
Your dream for you is my dream for you. Let's make it happen.